Zinc Gluconate and Zinc Citrate are the active ingredients in Hi-Tech’s Zinc Lozenges®, the #1 recommended zinc cold remedy in health food stores** and the best-selling zinc lozenge. Unlike other zinc remedies, Hi-Tech’s Zinc Lozenges® unique zinc formula does not contain additives that might interfere with the release of zinc ions. Hi-Tech’s Zinc Lozenges® formula has been clinically proven to shorten the duration of the common cold by almost half and make symptoms less severe. Short-term oral zinc treatment has been shown to shorten the length of rhinovirus colds when taken at the proper dose by adults, according to prominent physicians. The treatment seems to work when at least 75mg of elemental zinc is taken within the first 24 hours of cold symptoms developing. Hi-Tech’s Zinc Lozenges® has also been associated with faster resolution of nasal congestion, nasal drainage, and sore throat, as well as improvement of cough. Hi-Tech’s Zinc Lozenges® are a must have in this atmosphere of cold and viruses running rampant. Hi-Tech’s Zinc Lozenges® are good tasting orange flavored and preferred by almost everyone who had tried other brands of Zinc lozenges. Try Hi-Tech’s Zinc Lozenges® and help shorten the duration and severity of your cold.
100% All natural & gluten-free friendly
Contains highly absorbable Zinc
Helps support a healthy immune system
Boosts nutrient utilization
Clinically proven to reduce respiratory flu and cold symptoms
No fillers or additives to reduce uptake potential
Powerful Formula
Supplement Facts

Suggested Use
Completely dissolve in mouth one (1) lozenge every 2-3 wakeful hours, not to exceed 8 lozenges per day as an adult and do not take more than 3 lozenges for children, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.